Bullet Train is a Ruby on Rails SaaS-in-a-Box that saves developers months of effort and new founders tens of thousands of dollars.
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Visits | 6874 | 2025-01-12 |
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Contact Email | [email protected] | 2025-01-19 |
Description | 2025-01-19 | |
Discord | bullettrain | 2025-01-19 |
Title | The Ruby on Rails SaaS Template | Bullet Train | 2025-01-19 |
bullettrainco | 2025-01-19 |
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Description | Bullet Train is a Ruby on Rails SaaS-in-a-Box that saves developers months of effort and new founders tens of thousands of dollars. | 2025-01-17 |
Title | The Ruby on Rails SaaS Template | Bullet Train | 2025-01-17 |
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Banner Hash | 2025-01-17 | |
Description | Discussion about Bullet Train, the open-source Ruby on Rails SaaS framework. | 2025-01-17 |
Icon Hash | 6cbfdf69b3249a6e0a5fa31606ecdd90 | 2025-01-17 |
Icon Url | https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/836637622432170028/6cbfdf69b3249a6e0a5fa31606ecdd90.png?size=256 | 2025-01-17 |
Is Verified | 0.0 | 2025-01-17 |
Member Count | 888.0 | 2025-01-17 |
Name | Bullet Train | 2025-01-17 |
Online Count | 75.0 | 2025-01-17 |
Premium Subscription Count | 14.0 | 2025-01-17 |
Splash Hash | 2025-01-17 | |
Vanity Url Code | bullettrain | 2025-01-17 |
Verification Level | 1.0 | 2025-01-17 |
Social Data
Followers Count
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